Sorry its been so long since my last post. It's been a little hectic and circumstances have kept me away. Hope to keep up better in the coming weeks.
As an anointed king and valiant warrior, David shows us the great advantages of walking hand in hand with the Lord. He ushered in a new era for Israel in a time when God’s children were in great need of renewed leadership. Whether it be tackling overwhelming odds against an adversary for all to see or working in the solitude of a king’s chamber with harp and quill, David realized the benefit of pursuing God’s heartbeat.
That is not to say David did not face his fair share of adversity; adversity that at times led to rash judgment and an ill decision process. Admittedly, as fathers there have been periods in which our parenting skills have been challenged. For some it might be the terrible twos; for others it could be dealing with a maturing teenager…or, in my case, the same time. Those times we wished we would have done this or that differently. However, the fact remains that we must continue through those difficult times, building foundations and raising the walls of our house of faith.
When David realized that his dream of building a physical temple was not to be fulfilled, he did not give up on his vision. His temple became a spiritual one; one built in his heart and emanating from his soul that was reflected in the many psalms. He did not stop there. He prepared for the physical temple; gathering the materials, the labor and support needed to accomplish its completion. He left Solomon with everything required to build a house unto the God of Israel and then charged him to build it.
We don’t like to think about it, but the time will come for fathers to grasp the realization that the moment is upon them for their children to embark on a life of their own. It is in that instant that we understand the nurturing, correction, guidance and wisdom that we have imparted was all in preparation for a time in which we will say with confidence, “Go on…Go build that house!”
The Loves of Jesus
2 weeks ago